What we sell? It's simple:
We sell real value.


Simple, lightweight, self-hosted and reliable.

Just like with any of our solutions, the primary focus lies on you. Because in the end, it's your efficiency that matters, and our aim is to minimize the time you spend sifting through spreadsheets. By following the principle that form follows function, we consistently develop top-tier, user-friendly, and highly adaptable analytical dashboards, that combine modern design with real business impact.
Feeling overwhelmed by management clutter?
Then this solution is what you need. Schedule a call with us, and we'll do our best to create your personal, centralized solution, promising a seamless experience you'll love to work with every day.


Reliable base model, cut down to serve you alone.

Are you sick of analysing data all day just to not find the last part in the equation? We can help you with that.
With 500+ million data entries analysed, training models for over 20 unique industries, our AI-models are one of the most reliable, you can find on the open market. Based on this model, we are building the most reliable and efficient helper for your company.
Automatic analytics, insights extraction, anomaly detection and economic forecasting in real-time, will help you optimise your business at any stage, empowering sustainable growth and helping you create reliable plans for the future.

Econometric Modelling

Sometimes, an AI is just too much, but no AI is not enough...

This is where econometric modelling is best at. After your data is processed through highly specialised, statistical algorithms, we will create a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the data provided. Extracting only the insights that are needed to solve your business setbacks, you'll get a customized proposal of your next steps. We will create a guide for you to follow, while assisting you in person through-out the entire process of implementing the solution to nearly any business problem a modern company could potentially face.

Integrated Software

When once isn't enough.

Sometimes you need a solution that is doing more than one job. That could be a solution that integrates into your already existing workflow and IT-infrastructure, or a tool that binds all the other tools currently in use into one single, easily accessible place.
Or maybe you want to integrate the entire suite of Kito Software solutions, such as the analytics platform and the AI-companion, into one single place and profit from all the benefits within a single, closed application.

Large Language Models

How can I help you today?

Ever felt the need for your own, company-internal GPT chat AI? Whether you envision a new way to make your onboarding and HR process easier, or you want to create a more streamlined approach to your knowledge management or just generally want to get custom, uncensored strategic replies from your own chatbot - with our LLM solutions this becomes an easy task to achieve. With a LLM trained on your own servers, with your own data, you can solve any issues you face with the current, freely available GPT systems in just a few weeks - without fearing data leaks or other privacy issues.

Are you interested in learning more about the way that Kito can help you transform your company?